

Juno is doing great. He has calmed down significantly to become an ideal companion for us. The training techniques you taught us have become an integrated part of our care for Juno and have really helped us bond much more with him. I now have the confidence & ability to handle high energy situations seamlessly and without incident. He is also wonderful when we have guests. I hosted my book club at our house a couple of days ago and Juno was awesome with all of my friends. Once everyone settled in, Juno just hung out on his favorite couch, getting up every now and then to “check in” with the girls. They were totally charmed! Thank you so much, Leea, for all of your help and support. We could not be happier with our little man!

Foranimals, LLC is a professional dog training and behavior consulting service based in Lenox, MA serving all of Berkshire County, from Williamstown to Pittsfield and Great Barrington, and the surrounding areas of Western Massachusetts and Eastern New York.